As part of our corporate social responsibility, we take an active involvement in the management of our environmental impact to ensure that it is controlled and reduced wherever opportunities to do so are identified. We aim to instil environmental consciousness within our staff to better understand and identify hazards and risks and their potential effects. We strive to ensure minimal impact on the environment as much as possible on every site we work. Our operators are well trained and certified by Occupational, health and Safety Authority (OSHA) of Tanzania and also from the international British Lloyds.

Safety and occupational health management practices are of utmost importance, as our employees and client wellbeing ranks first. We are committed to the reduction of risk factors that may occur during our operations. In this regard, we have a Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) policy that all staff and operators adhere to, to remove or minimize the risks associated with heavy machinery. All machines have safety instructions attached and are always serviced on a regular basis. Our activities operate under the auspices of our HSE Policy. The company has independent assessors who conduct annual assessments of our equipment to ensure we meet the national standard in safety.Our health and safety manager oversees the safety standards of our staff, company procedures and work sites to ensure fluid operations with minimal risk of accidents or injury.